Am I Assigned A Political Drum To Beat?

As I make it a point in my life to educate myself about others I find out a lot of my own beliefs have been narrow minded. Growing up I though being black meant to be a democrat. There was no other way, to be a Republican is to be a sell-out of your people.


The political climate that we live in does not fare well for one who refuses to consider the other side of his thought coin. To have lived my whole life and never personally learn about a choice and make an educated decision is an atrocity many before had to endure. We don’t have these excuses anymore; they don’t call this the information age for nothing.

In this day and time people, organizations, charities and politicians are  constantly present and clamoring to get you to buy into them with your time and your money. Social media has become the mainstream news, so much so that the networks report from it. Any candidate or party history can be found with a click. Ignorance at this point isn’t just taboo, it’s flagrant.

As painful as the cognitive dissonance will be it is necessary that we begin to search for ourselves. The fact of the matter is it can all be done from your phone. The problem is once you start to search you will not know when and where it will stop. You may change your whole ideology regarding politics in this country and the state of the world in general.


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