The New FDA Labels Are Not A Green Light

Despite the misleading reports I have heard, twice now, the new FDA labels are not giving us the green light to enjoy our past processed favorites.

Upon reading the document  you will find among other things that the new labeling is adjusting the amount and daily value percentages of servings to reflect our eating habits. This can be helpful by allowing us to see how much fat and sugar we REALLY are eating. I don’t know about you but I’ve never measured my food, but I know their suggested serving size is well below my serving size.

Also, calories from fat have been removed as they have deemed that the type of fat is more important (we’ve known this for a while, but thanks for catching up). A welcome change for sugar counters like myself is the listing of added sugars. I’m not sure who someone in the sugar lobby made mad, but this recently released report reveals that there was a pay-off to point the blame for emerging (at that time) health problems to fat instead of sugar. Alternative and natural news sources have been telling us for a while to avoid sugar, especially added sugars.

I don’t like the way this story was announced. It was announced just as we see on the video which is misleading and frankly just a flat out lie. I fear for the people who don’t have time to read, or who are blindly following what the media is telling them. These misleading reports can give some a false peace about continuing their diet of boxed, canned and otherwise processed foods.

False alarm junk food junkies (I’m in recovery myself, so no judgement here). Fruits and veggies are still where it’s at.

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