Selective Sight – Or Denying God

I was outside with my toddler and everyone knows how they love to get into any and everything. I was trying to keep him away from the hose and get him to play in the bigger part of the front yard.

The water hose is attached to the house with grass around it, but across the walkway is more, much more grass for him to run and play in.

My son only wanted that water hose, I’m not sure why.

As I was directing him to the bigger area that had more to offer I thought of how often God is doing the same to us. Directing us to the bigger, better and more to offer even when we have our sights set on what is right in front of us.

I was on a comment thread with some other moms and one of them told me that she had no proof of God and therefore refused to believe in Him. Of course, as a believer my first thought was compassion and then I was baffled as to how someone could deny God. The simple act of breath in our lungs is a miracle.

The Bible tells us in Romans 1:20

“For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:”

Here in Romans Paul was stressing the need for salvation among all people. God’s wonder is visible in all of His works, to the point that there will be no excuse for denying Him and the free gift of salvation.

I started reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis and while I have not gotten deep enough in the book to form an opinion on it’s loyalty to the gospel, I found chapters 1-3 very useful. In these chapters Lewis questions if there is a Moral Code of Right and Wrong this common among people no matter origin. He gives arguments for, and even some against the understanding of the Laws of Nature and then shows how those arguments are faulty.

Even in the banter one can see how we can not deny that there are understood Rights and Wrongs in humanity, that we all are expected to govern ourselves by. Those who don’t acknowledge in their decision making are quick to point to these Moral Codes as their defense when they feel they have been victimized.

In Revelations we are told “He that have an ear, let Him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church”. Now, of course we all have ears (barring some accident) so why did God tell us this? Because some people, no matter how much proof or evidence will still refuse to acknowledge and believe in God.

We, who are called and chosen will see and hear God in our lives. Our daily struggles and trials will call to remembrance a testimony from the Bible of those who have come before us and traveled that similar path. We do know that there is nothing new under the sun. Our lives are just different faces and new technology but the same issues we deal with today are the same that our ancestors dealt with.

So, do we try to convert them? Do we go on a mission to convince them? I say use your discernment, the Bible tells us that one can not come to Christ unless He is called. Meaning that some people will just not believe and we can not change that. We can pray for them, but we are also told to not cast our pearls before swine.

God’s Word is clear. No man has an excuse to deny the existence and power of God, they just choose to.




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