Can I Go Vegan Now? Or Is It To Late

Sooooo in light of all the new health information out combined with my own searching I’ve decided to go vegetarian (as much as I can). We still have some chicken that I bought on sale in our freezer (lots of it) and I can’t throw that away. Also, cutting out a food group that you have been taught was necessary and good-for-you is harder than it sounds.

The birth of my son was definitely the most pertinent impetus in seeking a healthy diet and lifestyle for my entire family. My husband and myself and our son are easy enough to bring along, it’s my teens and tween that are another struggle.



Hopefully, I can help someone else make a better, healthier decision for themselves and their families. Or you just may appreciate the journey. Whatever the case may be I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

I am hoping to go completely vegan. Butter and cheese are my hangups, and ice cream…how can I forget ice cream?! Not to mention my hair products, clothes (leather comes from cows and that makes me sad), and other items we may not realize cost the life of animals. Now, I’m not over-the-top with my animal love. I believe that they are living beings with feeling and a purpose. There is a humane way to get food from animals but our factory farm system has no interest in being humane.

I’ll be posting articles, recipes, pictures and other things of interest. I believe the life of believers in Christ should be our ministry. I hope my life can be that for someone.

In Love and In Health,

Raysurnette Phillips

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