Post-Partum, Post-Schardum Why I Could Care Less About My Post-Baby Weight

Every new mom hits that stage in her pregnancy, usually when she starts showing where people (who may or may not mean well) start warning about the dreaded baby weight.  Grandma’s and aunts and total strangers will make skeev-worthy comments of how you’re getting SO big, and remind you that watching your weight is SO important (because…forget comfort or health, skinny is what matters!)

I was pregnant in my 20’s and again in my mid 30’s.  I will admit that I just took the elasticity of my twenty year old skin for granted and figured my 35 year old skin and body would bounce back just the same.  With my oldest (who is now 14) I breastfed and the weight fell right off.  Fast forward 14 years and even though I breast feed my son exclusively I have had to put some work in!

Giving birth at 35 is totally different from giving birth at 21, 23, or 25. A world of difference! While it has been a roller coaster ride I’ve come to peace with my post-baby weight.  My son will be 6 months old on the 10th, and while I see other moms who gave birth the same time I did back in their college jeans I’m refusing to let my size determine my life.  I am back in my marriage jeans (I did put on some weight when I got married, my husband can cook and I like to eat).  I hate to sound passive, lazy or cliche but I’m OK with my body.  I am sustaining my son, I am his only source of nourishment; my husband can’t keep his hands off of me.  Those three things are what make me beautiful.

The wonder of my creation, the care that God took with my body with consideration for my children is awe inspiring enough for me.  As long as my Mr. still finds me irresistible and I have to fight him off some times I’d say I’m hot as a firecracker.

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