Feed The Mind, Strengthen The Body

I was in conversation with a friend, and as always with we ladies the conversation turned to weight and diet. My friend shared with me that she had been struggling (as we all have at one time or another) and was instructed to eat whatever she wanted as long as it fit on a saucer.

I was flabbergasted that a doctor would prescribe this (but should I be, we are talking about the American medical system here).



I can sympathize with people who have problems with food choice and portion control. I have had my times of emotional eating, which will all know is good for no one. I have eaten due to boredom, I have stuffed a whole pint of Ben & Jerry’s in my face because of loneliness and depression. I get it!

One of the fruits of the spirit that is often overlooked is self-control. Self-control will correct a lot of our wrongs and solve a myriad of our problems. Self-control is not just about telling our selves “no” to something, often it is about saying “yes” to the right choices.



There was a time in my life that greasy, salty fries would win over fresh fruits and vegetables. My need to loath in my misery would dictate what I fed my body thus adding to my present dilemma.

This is nothing that can’t be solved with prayer and determination (faith without works is dead). Yes, all things are lawful but not all things are beneficial. Yes, we can eat any living things that God has provided for food (1 Corinthians 10:31-32, Romans 14:1-3) but is what you’re eating living? Was it provided by God or is it a figment of man’s imagination?

I’m not recommending a total upheaval of your life. That approach never works for me. What I am recommending is small changes. Have more vegetable with your dinner (or have some if you don’t usually have them). Eat an apple with your burger and have water instead of soda (or have a water to wash it all down if you’re not ready to forgo the cola). When you start to feed your body good, living food it will start to crave it more, making the choice easier.

Some days I mess up and eat way more junk than I should. That’s OK! Tomorrow is another day and another chance to get it right. I usually don’t feel too bad about it if I’ve exercised that day also.

I do believe in portion control, but it has been my experience if you eat whole foods appetite control will be easier. One day at a time, one meal at a time, one snack at a time. That’s all we can do. It’s never too late. Let’s start now!

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